How to Do a Tenant Criminal Background Check in Putnam

How to Do a Tenant Criminal Background Check in Putnam

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), about a third of U.S. adults have criminal records.

Unless you perform a tenant criminal background check on all prospective applicants to your Putnam, CT, rental properties, you could find yourself renting out to an individual who may have committed a severe crime.

It's your every right to screen potential renters, as it can help improve rental property security. It's also one of the most practical and effective tenant safety measures.

However, remember that your background screening process must also be legally compliant. PMI Putnam has shared insights on achieving this goal and conducting a tenant criminal record check, so read on.

Familiarize Yourself With Fair Housing Laws

One of the most critical tenant screening-related laws you must adhere to is the Fair Housing Act (FHA).

FHA prohibits housing providers, including landlords in Putnam and elsewhere in Connecticut, from discriminatory practices committed against members of protected classes. As the Connecticut Fair Housing Center explains, these protected classes include:

  • Race, religion, and national origin
  • Disability
  • Familial status
  • Lawful source of income
  • Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Veteran status
  • Status as a victim of domestic violence

Under the FHA, screening and denying renters based on the above classes is unlawful.

An example is if a landlord runs criminal background checks only on specific applicants based on race, color, and national origin. In this case, the landlord is breaking the law because they're committing a discriminatory practice. They'll face lawsuits if the applicants decide to sue them.

To avoid such terrible mistakes, always conduct a fair tenant screening process. Screen everyone the same way.

Consider Convictions and Not Just Records

Don't focus on criminal records alone when conducting criminal background checks. Instead, look into convictions of crimes that could affect the safety and security of:

  • Your property
  • Your other tenants
  • Your community or neighborhood

Examples of convictions that should set off your alarm bells are arson, violent crimes, and serious drug-related crimes.

Outsource the Tenant Criminal Background Check Process

Considering all the stringent laws on criminal background checks and tenant screening, it's often best to let the pros handle them on your behalf. For instance, if you hire PMI Putnam, our full-service property management firm in Putnam, CT, rest assured that we'll:

  • Process all applications in compliance with FHA guidelines
  • Verify each applicant's identity
  • Conduct a National Criminal Search
  • Run a National Sex Offender Search
  • Perform an International Terrorism Database Search

In addition, we confirm all applicants' income sources and employment status and assess their credit, rental, and eviction histories. Conducting all these tenant verification steps allows us to gauge an applicant's likelihood of fulfilling the lease terms and caring for your property.

Ready to Find Quality Tenants?

Finding quality tenants goes beyond performing a tenant criminal background check. You must also consider each applicant's ability to pay rent and how responsible they are.

Let PMI Putnam simplify the process for you. Our team comprises highly educated licensed professionals with extensive experience in property management, real estate investing, taxation, and accounting. With our professional expertise and backgrounds, state-of-the-art technology, and residential guarantees, we'll find and place highly qualified tenants in your Putnam rentals.

Get started today by contacting us and requesting your free property analysis!
